Frequently Asked Questions

We receive a number of frequently asked questions from our customers which we have listed below. If you have a question that is not answered on this list please contact us and we'll be happy to help.

  • Q: How much is shipping?
  • A: We charge £32 for the first box of Fancy Goldfish, and £10 for each additional box on the same order.

  • Q: How many Fancy Goldfish fit in a box?
  • A: We generally fit upto three fish per box, however, this may vary depending on the size of the fish.

  • Q: Do you hold Fancy Goldfish for customers? 
  • A: Following full payment we can hold your fish for up to two weeks if required. Please contact us directly to arrange this.

  • Q: Can I collect my Fancy Goldfish from you?
  • A: Yes, customers can collect their fish in person. Collections are by appointment only, please contact us directly to arrange this.

  • Q: Where are your Fancy Goldfish sourced from?
  • A: We purchase our fish direct from farms across Thailand.

  • Q: Are your fish quarantined?
  • A: Yes. We take bio-security seriously and ensure that all of our fish are quarantined at our purpose-built facilities for a minimum of four weeks.

  • Q: Can you tell if my Fancy Golfdish is male or female?
  • A: We can sex the fish, please ask at the time of enquiry.

  • Q: Do you tranship?
  • A: No, we do not offer a tranship service.